Day 239 – Elusive Cock of the Rock, Mindo

End up exploring Las Tangaras Reserve which is an ecological protected area in the cloud forest about 4km out of Mindo. Head out with a neat couple also staying at our hostel and hike 3km into dense rainforest. We were told about an elusive Andean bird called Cock of the Rock evidently hangs out here. (Some name huh) Unintentionally go in search for this bird (no we are not crazy bird watchers) as they are generally only sighted before sunrise but got told they also can be sighted in the late afternoon. We sit at the top of a valley for an hour in a hut just the 4 of us trying to be seriously quiet (in between puns of the birds name) but Nobbies realise by 3pm we are not patient enough and have a 7km walk back to town. A 10km walk notched for today.

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